Feb 11, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog

College Policies



Affirmative Action Policy/Non-discrimination Statement

Quinebaug Valley Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, sex (including pregnancy, workplace hazards to reproductive systems, or sexual harassment), national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental disorder, intellectual disability, learning disability or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information in its program and activities. In addition, the College does not discriminate in employment on the additional basis of veteran status or criminal record.

QVCC offers associate in art and associate in science degrees in more than 30 areas, including accounting, allied health, business administration, computer science and networking, engineering, early childhood education, fine arts, human services, manufacturing, pathway to teaching careers, and technology studies, as well as general studies and liberal arts and sciences. Credit-free certificate and training programs focusing on workforce development are also offered.

QVCC maintains an open admissions policy. Students must be high school graduates, hold a state high school equivalency diploma (GED), or be certified as having completed home-schooling. Admission requires submission of a completed admissions application accompanied by official high school diploma or equivalency or college transcripts or diploma, payment of the application fee, and proof of immunization. Some programs have additional admissions requirements.

The College will take steps to assure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in its programs.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

CSCU System Office Contact:
Kimberly Carolina
CSCU Manager of Equal Employment Opportunity

Title IX Notice

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…” 20 U.S.C. § 1681

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs which receive federal financial assistance. Athletics are one component of Title IX. Other programs and activities which may be included are: recruitment, admissions, financial aid, and scholarships; course offerings and access; hiring and retention; and, benefits and leave. Title IX also protects students and employees, both male and female, from unlawful sexual harassment in school programs and activities.

In compliance with Title IX, Quinebaug Valley Community College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment as well as in admissions, enrollment, and in the provision of all services, programs and activities.

The College’s Title IX Coordinator monitors compliance with this law and centrally coordinates the institution’s response to complaints of discrimination based on sex. The Title IX Coordinator will ensure complaints of this nature are addressed by the appropriate College entities and will assist complainants in receiving any medical, mental health or other services that may be warranted. The Title IX Coordinator will also facilitate any interim measures that may be necessary to protect the complainant in the College’s setting.

Individuals with questions or concerns about Title IX, and/or those who wish to file a complaint of non-compliance, may contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator for more information:

CSCU System Office Contact:
Dr. John Paul Chaisson-Cardenas
Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
CT State Title IX Coordinator

Local Campus Contact:
John Lewis
Dean of Academics and Student Serives

Tanaya Walters
Campus Associate Dean of Student Development
Student Services


Alternatively, or in addition to the Title IX Coordinator, inquiries may be directed to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, the federal agency charged with enforcing compliance with Title IX:

Boston Office
Office for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02109-3921

AIDS and Other Communicable Diseases

The Connecticut Community College System reaffirms its commitment to provide a safe and healthy educational environment, safeguard the rights of individuals, and comply with state and federal antidiscrimination laws and regulations. Sound and compassionate legal, ethical, moral, and educational principles require that students and employees with AIDS, HIV infection, and other communicable diseases be accorded the same rights and assume the same responsibilities as all other members of the community college community. It is recognized that the best method of allaying fears and promoting understanding is education: the dissemination of information based on fact and current scientific knowledge.

People with AIDS and other communicable diseases shall be accorded the same rights as all other students and employees. State and federal laws and regulations prohibit discrimination against and harassment of individuals solely because of disability. No individual shall be discriminated against in any college programs, services, or employment solely because of his or her status as AIDS- or HIV-infected or having any other communicable disease.

Each college shall provide information and educational programs and activities concerning AIDS and other communicable diseases for students and employees. Such information and programs shall rely on the most current knowledge about such diseases and shall focus on how such diseases are and are not transmitted, how they can be prevented, and the rights of persons with such diseases.

Each college president shall designate an individual responsible for coordination, delivery, and evaluation of the college AIDS education program. A committee representative of the college community should be involved in formulating educational and information activities.

Restriction shall not be placed on admission, programs, services, or employment offered to an individual on the basis of a diagnosis of AIDS, HIV infection, or other communicable disease, except in individual cases when it has been medically determined that there is risk of infection or danger to others or in programs from which individuals with specific communicable diseases are excluded by law or regulation.

Colleges shall not require testing of students or employees for AIDS, HIV infection, or other communicable diseases for participation in employment, programs, or services of the college, except as required by law or regulation. Where possible, colleges shall maintain a listing of local referral sources for such testing and shall publish such listing with other educational information.

All student or employee information related to inquiries, testing, and disclosure of AIDS, HIV, or other infection status shall be treated confidentially as all other health records. All reasonable steps shall be taken to protect the identity of an individual with AIDS.

Students and employees involved in the direct delivery of health care services and those who might otherwise come in contact with blood and other body fluids (such as in science laboratories or allied health practica) shall at all times follow the guidelines regarding precautions to be taken in the handling of such fluids disseminated by the Department of Health Services or other approved guidelines.

Violations of any part of this policy shall be dealt with under the appropriate disciplinary procedures for students or employees.

This policy shall be published in all college catalogs and student handbooks and shall be made available to all employees.

Student Code of Conduct

(approved 3/13/2014; amended 4/17/2014; 1/15/2015)


Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the general well-being of society. In line with this purpose, the Board of Regents for Higher Education (“BOR”) in conjunction with the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (“CSCU”) has the duty to protect the freedoms of inquiry and expression, and furthermore, has the responsibility to encourage all of its members to develop the capacity for critical judgment in their sustained and independent search for truth.

CSCU has certain self-defined institutional values. Principal among these values is respect for the safety, dignity, rights, and individuality of each member of the CSCU Community. The opportunity to live, study, and work in an institution which values diverse intellectual and cultural perspectives and encourages discussion and debate about competing ideas in an atmosphere of civility is a basic component of quality higher education.

All members of CSCU must at all times govern their social and academic interactions with tolerance and mutual respect so that the students who pass through a CSCU door are enriched by these experiences and are prepared for full and enlightened participation in a multi-cultural society. Because of the BOR’s and CSCU’s commitment to principles of pluralism, mutual respect, and civility, certain activities are not acceptable on CSCU campuses. Acts of intolerance, of hatred or violence based on race, religion, sexual orientation or expression, disability, gender, age, or ethnic background are antithetical to the BOR’s and CSCU’s fundamental principles and values. It is the BOR’s and CSCU’s responsibility to protect our students’ right to learn by establishing an environment of civility.

The disciplinary process is intended to be part of the educational mission of CSCU. Student disciplinary proceedings are not criminal proceedings and are not subject to court rules of procedure and evidence.


This Student Code of Conduct (hereinafter the “Student Code” or “Code”) is intended to present a clear statement of student rights and responsibilities established by the Board of Regents for Higher Education. The BOR has charged the President of the Board of Regents for Higher Education with developing procedures to protect those rights and to address the abdication of responsibilities in collaboration with the four State Universities, the twelve Community Colleges and Charter Oak State College. The Student Code describes the types of acts that are not acceptable in an academic community.

Disclaimer: This Code is neither a contract nor an offer of a contract between any BOR governed institution and any student. The provisions of this Code are subject to revision at any time.


The following list of defined terms utilized throughout this Student Code is provided in an effort to facilitate a more thorough understanding of the Code. This list is not intended to be a complete list of all the terms referenced in the Student Code that might require interpretation or clarification. The Vice President for Student Affairs at a University, the Dean of Students at a Community College, the Provost at Charter Oak State College or their designee shall make the final decision of the interpretation of the definition of any term found in the Student Code. For purposes of interpretation and application of the Student Code only, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

1. “Accused Student” means any student accused of violating this Student Code.

2. “Advisor” means a person who accompanies an Accused Student or an alleged victim to a hearing (or a proceeding pertaining to a report of sexual violence) for the limited purpose of providing advice and guidance to the student. An advisor may not directly address the Hearing Body, question witnesses, or otherwise actively participate in the hearing process (or other proceeding pertaining to a report of sexual violence).

3. “Appellate Body” means any person or persons authorized by the University Vice President for Student Affairs, Community College Dean of Students, Charter Oak State College Provost or their designee to consider an appeal from a determination by a Hearing Body that a student has violated the Student Code.

4. “Calendar Days” means the weekdays (Mondays through Fridays) when the University or College is open.

5. “College” means either collectively or singularly any of the following institutions: Asnuntuck Community College, Capital Community College, Gateway Community College, Housatonic Community College, Manchester Community College, Middlesex Community College, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Norwalk Community College, Quinebaug Valley Community College, Three Rivers Community College, Tunxis Community College, and Charter Oak State College.

6. “Complainant(s)” means the person(s) who initiates a complaint by alleging that a Student(s) violated the Code.

7. “CSCU” means either collectively or singularly, any of the following institutions: Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, Western Connecticut State University; Asnuntuck Community College, Capital Community College, Gateway Community College, Housatonic Community College, Manchester Community College, Middlesex Community College, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Norwalk Community College, Quinebaug Valley Community College, Three Rivers Community College, Tunxis Community College, and Charter Oak State College.

8. “CSCU Affiliates” means individuals and/or entities with whom or with which the College or University has a contractual relationship.

9. “CSCU Official” means any person employed by the College or University to perform assigned administrative, instructional, or professional responsibilities.

10. “CSCU Premises” means all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of, or owned, used, and/or controlled by, the University or College, either solely or in conjunction with another entity.

11. “Disciplinary Officer” or “Conduct Administrator” means a University, College or CSCU official who is authorized to determine the appropriate resolution of an alleged violation of the Code, and/or to impose sanctions or affect other remedies as appropriate. Subject to the provisions of this Code, a disciplinary officer or conduct administrator is vested with the authority to, among other duties: investigate a complaint of an alleged violation of the Code decline to pursue a complaint, refer identified disputants to mediation or other appropriate avenues of resolution, establish charges against a student, enter into an administrative agreement developed with an Accused Student in accordance with Section II-B-3 of this Code, advise a Hearing Body, and present the case before the Hearing Body.

12. “Hearing Body” or “Hearing Panel” means any person or persons authorized by the University Vice President for Student Affairs, Community College Dean of Students or Charter Oak State College Provost to determine whether a student has violated the Code and to impose sanctions as warranted, including a hearing officer or hearing board.

13. “Institution” means the University or College within CSCU.

14. “Instructor” means any faculty member, teaching assistant or any other person authorized by the University to provide educational services, including, but not limited to, teaching, research, and academic advising.

15. “Member of the CSCU Community” means any person who is a student, an official or any other person who works for CSCU, either directly or indirectly (e.g., for a private enterprise doing business on a CSCU campus).

16. “Policy” means the written regulations, standards, and student conduct expectations adopted by the BOR and found in, but not limited to the Student Handbook, the Residence Life Handbook, the housing contract, the graduate and undergraduate catalogs, and other publicized University and College notices.

17. “Prohibited Conduct” means the conduct prohibited by this Code, as more particularly described in Part I-D of this Code.

18. “Reporting Party” means any person who alleges that a student has violated this Code.

19. “Student” means either (1) any person admitted, registered, enrolled or attending any CSCU course or CSCU conducted program, whether full-time or part- time, and whether pursuing undergraduate, graduate or professional studies, or continuing education; (2) any person who is not officially enrolled for a particular term but who has a continuing relationship with a CSCU; or (3) any person within two calendar years after the conclusion of their last registered Community College course unless the student has formally withdrawn, graduated or been expelled from the College.

20. “Student Code” or “Code” means this Student Code of Conduct.

21. “Student Organization” means an association or group of persons that have complied with the formal requirements for University or College recognition.

22. “Support Person” means a person, who accompanies an Accused Student, a Reporting Party or a victim to a hearing for the limited purpose of providing support and guidance. A support person may not directly address the Hearing Body, question witnesses, or otherwise actively participate in the hearing process.

23. “University” means any of the following institutions: Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, and Western Connecticut State University, whichever the alleged violation of the Code occurred.

24. “Shall” and “will” are used in the imperative sense.

25. “May” is used in the permissive sense.


1. Application of the Student Code: The Student Code shall apply to the four Connecticut State Universities, the twelve Community Colleges, and the on-line college: Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, Western Connecticut State University; Asnuntuck Community College, Capital Community College, Gateway Community College, Housatonic Community College, Manchester Community College, Middlesex Community College, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Norwalk Community College, Quinebaug Valley Community College, Three Rivers Community College, Tunxis Community College, and Charter Oak State College.

An alleged violation of the Student Code shall be addressed in accordance with the Code of Conduct, even if the accused Student has withdrawn from the Institution prior to the completion of the disciplinary procedures.

The Student Code shall apply to Students and to University Student Organizations. The term “student” shall generally apply to the student as an individual and to a Student Organization as a single entity. The officers or leaders of a particular Student Organization usually will be expected to represent the organization during the disciplinary process. Nothing in this Student Code shall preclude holding certain members of a Student Organization accountable for their individual acts committed in the context of or in association with the organization’s alleged violation of this Code.

2. Distribution of the Student Code: The Student Code shall be made readily available electronically and/or in a printed publication to students, faculty and staff. The office responsible for Student Affairs will annually distribute and make available to students, faculty and staff, electronically and/or in a printed publication, any revisions to the Code.

3. Administration of the Student Code: A University’s and Charter Oak State College’s Provost or a Community College’s Dean of Students shall be the person designated by the institution President to be responsible for the administration of the Academic Misconduct portion of the Student Code. A University’s Vice President for Student Affairs, a Community College’s Dean of Students, or Charter Oak State College’s Provost shall be the person designated by the institution President to be responsible for the administration of the Non-Academic Misconduct portion of the Student Code.


A Student who is found responsible for engaging in conduct that violates the Student Code on any CSCU campus or on property controlled by the BOR or by any CSCU Affiliate or any CSCU sponsored function or event shall be subject to the sanctions described in this Code. The Student Code of Conduct also applies to online activities, where applicable. Students who attempt to engage in conduct that violates this Code, who knowingly encourage, aid or assist another person in engaging in such conduct, or who agree with another person, explicitly or otherwise, to engage in such conduct, may also be subject to disciplinary action.

Off-campus misconduct by University students may be subject to the jurisdiction of the University and addressed through its disciplinary procedures if one of the following conditions is met: (i) a Student engages in prohibited conduct at an official University event, at a University-sanctioned event, or at an event sponsored by a recognized University Student Organization; or (ii) a Student engages in prohibited conduct under such circumstances that reasonable grounds exist for believing that the Accused Student poses a threat to the life, health or safety of any member of the CSCU or to the property of the CSCU.

Community College students conduct is subject to the Code on campus and off-campus whenever such conduct impairs College-related activities or affairs of another member of the College community or creates a risk of harm to a member or members of the College community. Students must be aware that, as citizens, they are subject to all federal and state laws in addition to all CSCU

regulations governing student conduct and responsibilities. Students do not relinquish their rights nor do they shed their responsibilities as citizens by becoming members of the CSCU Community. However, where a court of law has found a student to have violated the law, an institution has the right to impose the sanctions of this Code even though the conduct does not impair institution-related activities of another member of the university or college community and does not create a risk of harm to the college or university community. The decision to exercise this right will be in the sole discretion of the President of the impacted institution or his/her designee.

Charter Oak State College applies this Code to matriculated and non-matriculated students, including those participating in portfolio assessment, credential evaluation, testing, or contract learning. Jurisdiction shall be limited to student conduct that occurs while students are taking Charter Oak State College courses or availing themselves of Charter Oak State College services. However, if a matriculated Charter Oak State College student is found guilty of student misconduct at another institution, including but not limited to misrepresentation of records from other institutions, the student may be subject to disciplinary action at Charter Oak State College.


The following list of behaviors is intended to represent the types of acts that constitute violations of this Code.

1. Academic misconduct, which includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and all forms of cheating.

Plagiarism is defined as the submission of work by a student for academic credit as one’s own work of authorship which contains work of another author without appropriate attribution.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to: (i) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests or examinations; (ii) use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; (iii) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; and (iv) engaging in any other behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus.

2. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the following:

a. Misuse of University or College documents, including, but not limited to forging, transferring, altering or otherwise misusing a student fee card, student payroll card, identification card or other College or University identification document, course registration document, schedule card, transcript, or any other institution-issued document or record.

b. Knowingly furnishing false information to any CSCU Official, faculty member or office.

3. Theft of property or services, or damage to, defacement or destruction of, or tampering with, real or personal property owned by the State of Connecticut, CSCU/BOR, the institution, or any member of the CSCU Community.

4. Actual or threatened physical assault or abuse, threatening behavior, intimidation, or coercion.

5. Sexual misconduct may include engaging in one of more behaviors:

(a) Sexual harassment, which can include any unwelcome sexual advance or request for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s education; submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic decisions affecting the individual; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. Examples of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment include but are not limited to:

• sexual flirtation, touching, advances or propositions

• verbal abuse of a sexual nature

• pressure to engage in sexual activity

• graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or appearance

• use of sexually degrading words to describe an individual

• display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures or photographs

• sexual jokes

• stereotypic comments based upon gender

• threats, demands or suggestions that retention of one’s educational status is contingent upon toleration of or acquiescence in sexual advances.

(b) Sexual assault shall include but is not limited to a sexual act directed against another person when that person is not capable of giving consent, which shall mean the voluntary agreement by a person in the possession and exercise of sufficient mental capacity to make a deliberate choice to do something proposed by another.

A person who initially consents to sexual activity shall be deemed not to have consented to any such activity which occurs after that consent is withdrawn. Consent cannot be assumed because there is no physical resistance or other negative response. A lack of consent may result from mental incapacity (e.g., ingestion of alcohol or drugs which significantly impair awareness or judgment) or physical incapacity (e.g., the person is unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate consent).

Sexual assault is further defined in sections 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-70b, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b and 53a-73a of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(c) Sexual exploitation occurs when a person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for anyone’s advantage or benefit other than the person being exploited, and that behavior does not otherwise constitute one of the preceding sexual misconduct offenses. Examples of behavior that could rise to the level of sexual exploitation include:

• Prostituting another person;

• Non-consensual visual (e.g., video, photograph) or audio-recording of sexual activity;

• Non-consensual distribution of photos, other images, or information of an individual’s sexual activity, intimate body parts, or nakedness, with the intent to or having the effect of embarrassing an individual who is the subject of such images or information;

• Going beyond the bounds of consent (such as letting your friends hide in the closet to watch you having consensual sex);

• Engaging in non-consensual voyeurism;

• Knowingly transmitting an STI, such as HIV to another without disclosing your STI status;

• Exposing one’s genitals in non-consensual circumstances, or inducing another to expose his or her genitals; or

• Possessing, distributing, viewing or forcing others to view illegal pornography.

6. Intimate partner violence is defined as:

• Including intimate partner violence, which is any physical or sexual harm against an individual by a current or former spouse or by a partner in a dating relationship that results from (1) sexual assault, as defined in section 5 above; (2) sexual assault in a spousal or cohabiting relationship; (3) domestic violence; (4) sexual harassment, as defined in section 5 above or, (5) sexual exploitation, as defined in section 5 above.

• Physical abuse, which can include but is not limited to, slapping, pulling hair or punching.

• Threat of abuse, which can include but is not limited to, threatening to hit, harm or use a weapon on another (whether victim or acquaintance, friend or family member of the victim) or other forms of verbal threat.

• Emotional abuse, which can include but is not limited to, damage to one’s property, driving recklessly to scare someone, name calling, threatening to hurt one’s family members or pets and humiliating another person.

7. Violations of privacy, including, but not limited to, voyeurism and the use of web-based, electronic or other devices to make a photographic, audio or video record of any person without his or her express consent, when such a recording is intended or likely to cause injury or distress. This includes, but is not limited to: (i) surreptitiously taking pictures or videos of another person in spaces such as sleeping areas, bathrooms, gymnasiums, locker rooms, and changing areas; and (ii) sexually exploiting another person by electronically recording or permitting others to view or electronically record, consensual sexual activity without a partner’s knowledge or permitting others to view or listen to such video or audio tapes without a partner’s knowledge and consent. Publicizing or threatening to publicize such records will also be considered a violation of this Code.

8. Hazing, which is defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a Student, or which destroys, damages, or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense to an allegation of hazing. Consenting to the activity by remaining silent or not objecting in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act and is also a violation of this Student Code.

9. Stalking, which is defined as repeatedly contacting another person when:

a. The contacting person knows or should know that the contact is unwanted by the other person; and

b. The contact causes the other person reasonable apprehension of imminent physical harm or the contacting person knows or should know that the contact causes substantial impairment of the other person’s ability to perform the activities of daily life.

As used in this definition, the term “contacting” includes, but is not limited to, communicating with (including internet communication via e-mail, instant message, on- line community or any other internet communication) or remaining in the physical presence of the other person.

10. Harassment, which is defined as conduct which is abusive or which interferes with a person’s pursuit of his or her customary or usual affairs, including, but not limited to, such conduct when directed toward an individual or group because of race, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or expression, age, physical attribute, or physical or mental disability or disorder, including learning disabilities and mental retardation.

11. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd or indecent (including, but not limited to, public nudity and sexual activity in areas generally open to members of the campus community), breach of peace or aiding, abetting or procuring another person to breach the peace on CSCU premises or at functions sponsored by, or affiliated with the University or College.

12. Behavior or activity which endangers the health, safety, or well-being of oneself or others.

13. Offensive or disorderly conduct which causes interference, annoyance or alarm or recklessly creates a risk thereof at CSCU or CSCU premises, CSCU web or social media sites, at a CSCU-sponsored activity or in college or university courses, including cyber bullying. This offense does not apply to speech or other forms of constitutionally protected expression.

14. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys (including, but not limited to, card access, card keys, fobs, etc.) to any CSCU premises or forcible and/or unauthorized entry on or into CSCU premises.

15. Starting fires, causing explosions, falsely reporting the presence of fire, bombs, incendiary or explosive devices, or falsely reporting an emergency.

16. Unauthorized or improper possession, use, removal, tampering or disabling of fire and/or safety equipment and warning devices, failure to follow standard fire and/or emergency safety procedures, or interference with firefighting or emergency response equipment or personnel.

17. Use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages, except as expressly permitted by law and CSCU regulations. Alcoholic beverages may not, under any circumstances, be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age.

18. Use, possession, purchase, sale, distribution or manufacturing of narcotics, controlled substances and/or drugs, including, but not limited to, marijuana and heroin, or drug paraphernalia, except as expressly permitted by law.

19. Use, possession or distribution of firearms, ammunition for firearms, other weapons or dangerous instruments, facsimiles of weapons or firearms, fireworks, explosives or dangerous chemicals. A dangerous instrument is any instrument, article or substance that, under the circumstances in which it is being utilized, is capable of causing death or serious physical injury. The possession of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument on campus is strictly prohibited, even if such item is legally owned.

20. Gambling, including, but not limited to, promoting, wagering, receiving monies for wagering or gambling for money or property on CSCU premises.

21. Disruption or obstruction of any College or University function, activity or event, whether it occurs on or off the campus, or of any non-University or College function, activity or event which is authorized by the institution to occur on its premises.

22. Intentional obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on CSCU premises or at University or College-sponsored or supervised functions or interference with entry into or exit from CSCU premises or with the free movement of any person.

23. Failure to comply with the directions of CSCU officials or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.

24. Conduct that violates published BOR/CSCU policies, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, residence hall rules and regulations.

25. Conduct prohibited by any federal, state, and/or local law, regulation or ordinance.

26. Unauthorized use of CSCU property or the property of members of the CSCU

Community or of CSCU Affiliates.

27. Theft, unauthorized use, or abuse of University or College computers and/or peripheral systems and networks, including, but not limited to:

a. Unauthorized access to CSCU computer programs or files;

b. Unauthorized alteration, transfer or duplication of CSCU computer programs or files;

c. Unauthorized use of another individual’s identification and/or password;

d. Deliberate disruption of the operation of CSCU computer systems and networks;

e. Use of the Institution’s computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws (including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing of copyrighted material, including, but not limited to, copyrighted music, movies, and software);

f. Use of computing facilities and resources to send obscene messages (which are defined as messages which appeal mainly to a prurient, shameful or morbid interest in nudity, sex, excretion, sadism or masochism, go well beyond

customary limits of candor in describing or representing such matters, and are utterly without redeeming social value); and

g. Violation of the BOR Policy Statement on Acceptable and responsible use of Information Technology resources and/or any applicable BOR computer use policy.

28. Abuse of the CSCU conduct and disciplinary system, including but not limited to:

a. Failure to obey the notice from a Hearing Body or CSCU Official to appear for a meeting or hearing as part of the Student Conduct system;

b. Falsification, distortion, or intentional misrepresentation of information to a

Disciplinary Officer or Conduct Administrator, or before a Hearing Body;

c. Initiation of a conduct or disciplinary proceeding knowingly without cause;

d. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a disciplinary proceeding;

e. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the disciplinary system;

f. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a Disciplinary Officer, Conduct Administrator or member of a Hearing Body prior to, and/or during the course of, the disciplinary proceeding;

g. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a Disciplinary Officer, Conduct Administrator, or member of a Hearing Body prior to, and/or during the course of the disciplinary proceeding;

h. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code; and

i. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the disciplinary system.


In addition to disciplinary procedures applicable to State University students in Section II, Community College students in Section III, or Charter Oak State College Students in Section IV, for any hearing conducted involving allegations of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking and intimate partner violence the reported victim and the accused student shall each have the following rights:

1. At any meeting or proceeding, both the reported victim and accused student may be accompanied by an advisor or support person of the student’s choice provided the advisor or support person does not cause a scheduled meeting or hearing to be delayed or postponed and provided an advisor or support person may not directly address the Hearing Body, question witnesses, or otherwise actively participate in the hearing process (or other proceeding or pertaining to a report of sexual misconduct);

2. The reported victim of sexual misconduct is entitled to request that disciplinary proceedings begin promptly;

3. Any hearing regarding an accusation of sexual misconduct shall (i) be fair, prompt and impartial; (ii) be conducted by a Hearing Body annually trained in issues relating to sexual misconduct (iii) use the preponderance of evidence (more likely than not ) standard; (iv) shall allow both the accused student and reported victim the opportunity to present evidence and witnesses on their behalf during any disciplinary proceeding; and (v) shall provide both the accused student and the reported victim with equal access to any information that will be used during meetings and hearings.

4. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the accused student and the reported victim have the right to keep their identities confidential;

5. Any reported victim shall be provided written notice of the decision of the Hearing Body at the same time as the accused student, normally within one (1) business day after the conclusion of the Hearing. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) the notice to any reported victim of sexual misconduct shall contain only the following: the name of the accused student, the violation committed, if any, and any sanction imposed against the accused student.

6. The reported victim shall have the same right to request a review of the decision of the Hearing Body (appeal rights) in the same manner and on the same basis as shall the accused student; however, if a request for review by a reported victim is determined to be properly made and if the review determines there is sufficient grounds for altering the decision of the Hearing Body, among the other actions that may be taken as set forth above, the sanction of the hearing may also be increased. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in any hearing pertaining to sexual misconduct both the reported victim and the accused student are entitled to be simultaneously provided notice of any change in the results of the hearing prior to the time when the results become final as well as to be notified when such results become final.


The written decision resulting from an administrative conference or a hearing under this Code shall become part of the student’s educational record and shall be subject to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). A student’s disciplinary record shall be maintained separately from any other academic or official file maintained by the Institution. Disciplinary records will be maintained for a period of five (5) years from the date of the incident, except that the sanction of expulsion shall be noted permanently.

While student education records are generally protected from disclosure by FERPA, there are a number of exceptions to this rule. Students should be aware that a record concerning his/her behavior while a student at the College or University may be shared with other colleges or universities to which the student may subsequently wish to transfer or be admitted. Similarly, prospective employers may require a student to provide access to his/her education records as part of the employment application process. A record of having been sanctioned for conduct that violates Section I.D. of the Code may disqualify a student for admission to another college or university, and may interfere with his/her selection for employment.


Questions regarding the interpretation of this Code shall be referred to the University’s and Charter Oak State College’s Provost or a Community College’s Dean of Students or their designees for the administration of the Non-Academic Misconduct portion of the Student Code and to the University’s Vice President for Student Affairs, a Community College’s Dean of Academic Affairs or Charter Oak State College’s Provost or their designees for the administration of the Academic Misconduct portion of the Student Code.

This Code shall be reviewed and revised, if and as necessary, every five (5) years, or as directed by the President of the Board of Regents for Higher Education.


Procedures for Community College students differ from those procedures applicable to either the Universities or Charter Oak State College. This is due to the environmental, cultural and administrative differences within the types of the institutions comprising CSCU. Procedures for addressing allegations and sanctions regarding academic misconduct (as defined in Section I.D.1 above) for Community College Students as set for in this Section III of the Code.

PART A: DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES (Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct)

In regard to College Students, the following procedures shall govern the enforcement of the Code:

1. Information that a student may have violated the Code should be submitted to the Dean of Students, Dean of Academic Affairs or other designee of the President (hereinafter referred to as “the Dean”), normally within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of a possible violation or within thirty (30) calendar days of the date that the facts constituting a possible violation were known.

2. Upon receipt of information relating to a possible violation, the Dean may immediately place restrictions on or suspend a student on an interim basis if, in the judgment of the Dean, the continued presence of the student at the College or continued participation in the full range of college activities poses a danger to persons or property or constitutes an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process.

a. “Interim restrictions” are limitations on the Student’s participation in certain College functions and activities, access to certain locations on campus or access to certain persons, that do not prevent the Student from continuing to pursue his/her academic program. A Student upon whom the Dean has placed interim restrictions shall be afforded written reasons for the restrictions, as well as the time period during which the interim restrictions shall apply. The decision of the Dean regarding interim restrictions shall be final.

b. “Interim suspension” is the temporary separation of the Student from the College that involves the denial of all privileges, including entrance to College premises. Prior to imposing an interim suspension, the Dean shall make a good faith effort to meet with the Student. At this meeting, the Dean shall inform the Student of the information received and provide the Student an opportunity to present other information for the Dean’s consideration. Based upon the information available at that time, the Dean shall determine whether the Student’s continued presence on campus poses a danger to persons or property or constitutes an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process. A Student suspended on an interim basis by the Dean shall be provided written reasons for the suspension and shall be entitled to an administrative conference or a hearing as soon as possible, normally within ten (10) calendar days from the date the interim suspension was imposed. The decision of the Dean regarding an interim suspension shall be final.

3. Following the imposition of interim restrictions or interim suspension, if any, the Dean shall promptly investigate the information received by meeting with individuals who may have knowledge of the matter, including the accused Student, and by reviewing all relevant documents. If upon the conclusion of the Dean’s investigation, the Dean determines that there is insufficient reason to believe the Student has committed a violation of any part of Section I.D. of this Policy, the Dean shall dismiss the matter and shall so inform the Student in writing.

4. If upon the conclusion of the Dean’s investigation, the Dean determines that there is reason to believe the Student has committed a violation of any part of Section I. D. of this Code and, after considering both the possible violation and the prior conduct record of the Student, that a sanction of less than suspension or expulsion is appropriate, the Dean shall schedule an administrative conference with the Student. The Student shall be given reasonable notice of the time and place of the conference. At the administrative conference, the Student shall have the opportunity to present information for the Dean’s consideration. At the conclusion of the administrative conference, the Dean shall determine whether it is more likely than not that the Student has violated the Policy and, if so, impose a sanction less than suspension or expulsion. The Dean shall provide the Student with a written explanation for the determination. The decision of the Dean shall be final.

5. If upon the conclusion of the Dean’s investigation, the Dean determines that there is reason to believe the Student has committed a violation of any part of Section I.D. of this Code and, after considering both the violation and the prior conduct record of the Student, that a sanction of suspension or expulsion is appropriate, the Dean shall provide the Student with reasonable written notice of a meeting and shall inform the Student that his/her failure to attend the meeting or to respond to the notice may result in the imposition of the maximum permissible sanction. At the meeting, the Dean shall provide the Student with a written statement that shall include the following:

a. a concise statement of the alleged facts;

b. the provision(s) of Section I.D. that appear to have been violated;

c. the maximum permissible sanction; and

d. a statement that the student may resolve the matter by mutual agreement with the Dean, or may request a hearing by notifying the Dean in writing, which must be received by 5:00pm on the following business day.

6. If the Student requests a hearing, he/she is entitled to the following:

a. to be heard within five (5) days or as soon as reasonably possible, by an impartial party or panel whose members shall be appointed by the Dean;

b. if the Dean appoints an impartial panel, to have a Student on the panel if requested by the Student;

c. to appear in person and to have an advisor who not shall attend as a representative of the Student. However, if there is pending at the time of the hearing a criminal matter pertaining to the same incident that is the subject of the hearing, a lawyer may be present for the sole purpose of observing the proceedings and advising the Student concerning the effect of the proceedings on the pending criminal matter;

d. to hear and to question the information presented;

e. to present information, to present witnesses, and to make a statement on his or her behalf; and

f. to receive a written decision following the hearing.

7. As used herein, the term “impartial” shall mean that the individual was not a party to the incident under consideration and has no personal interest in the outcome of the proceedings. Prior to the commencement of the hearing, the Student who is subject to the hearing may challenge the appointment of an impartial party or panel member on the ground that the person(s) is (are) not impartial. The challenge shall be made in writing to the Dean and shall contain the reasons for the assertion that the person(s) is (are) not impartial. The decision of the Dean shall be final.

8. The written decision of the impartial party or panel shall specify whether, based on the information presented, it is more likely than not that the Student committed the violation(s) reported and shall state the sanction to be imposed, if any. The written decision shall be provided to the Student.

9. Sanctions imposed by an impartial party or panel are effective immediately. The President may, for good cause, suspend imposition of the sanctions imposed by the impartial party or panel to allow the Student time to prepare a written request for review. If a written request is received, the President may continue to suspend imposition of the sanctions until he has reviewed and acted on the Student’s request.

10. A written request for review of the decision of the impartial party or panel must be received by the President within three (3) calendar days after the Student is notified of the decision and must clearly identify the grounds for review. The review by the President is limited to the record of the hearing, the written request, and any supporting documentation submitted with the request by the Student. The decision of the impartial party or the panel shall be upheld unless the President finds that:

a. a violation of the procedures set forth herein significantly prejudiced the Student; and/or

b. the information presented to the impartial party or panel was not substantial enough to justify the decision; and/or,

c. the sanction(s) imposed was (were) disproportionate to the seriousness of the violation.

11. Decisions under this procedure shall be made only by the college officials indicated.


The prior conduct record of a Student shall be considered in determining the appropriate sanction for a Student who has been found to have violated any part of Section I.D. of this Code. Sanctions shall be progressive in nature; that is, more serious sanctions may be imposed if warranted by the prior conduct record of the Student.

A “sanction” may be any action affecting the status of an individual as a Student taken by the College in response to a violation of this Policy, and for the purposes of this Section III of the Code include but are not limited to the following:

1. “Expulsion” is a permanent separation from the College that involves denial of all Student privileges, including entrance to College premises;

2. “Suspension” is a temporary separation from the College that involves denial of all Student privileges, including entrance to college premises for the duration of the suspension, and may include conditions for reinstatement;

3. “Removal of College Privileges” involves restrictions on Student access to certain locations, functions and/or activities but does not preclude the Student from continuing to pursue his/her academic program;

4. “Probation” is a status that indicates either (a) serious misconduct not warranting expulsion, suspension, or removal of College privileges, or (b) repetition of misconduct after a warning has been imposed;

5. A “Warning” is a written notice to the Student indicating that he or she has engaged in conduct that is in violation of Section I.D. of this Code and that any repetition of such conduct or other conduct that violates this Code is likely to result in more serious sanctions;

6. “Community Restitution” requires a Student to perform a number of hours of service on the campus or in the community at large.

Disturbances on Campus/Guidelines

In the interest of assisting in the preservation of academic freedom, including the important characteristics of access to sources of knowledge, freedom to reach un-pressured conclusions, and respect for freedom of movement, and the performance of responsibilities relating to this, the Board of Regents sets forth the following policies to guide faculty, students, and administrators in cases of disruption on campuses of the public community colleges in Connecticut.

College staff, faculty, and students shall be free to exercise their rights as professional staff, students, and citizens of the United States or as foreign nationals protected by the laws of the United States respecting those professional and humane courtesies which contribute to the success of the academic community.

The president, staff, faculty, and students should work to maintain study and research of ideas and facts of humanity and the universe, lawful free assembly, access to sources of knowledge, and the freedom of staff to perform teaching and administrative functions.

The Board of Regents believes that activities as listed below and those akin to them might result in the need to take disciplinary action to maintain the rights and opportunities for all segments of the campus community to learn and to teach and to administer:

  1. Occupying and preventing authorized use of facilities;
  2. Damaging, removing, or destroying college property;
  3. Preventing instruction, research, or other authorized activity by disorderly conduct and/or interfering with access to facilities;
  4. Physically detaining or removing any person engaged in lawful and/or normal college functions;
  5. Failing to comply with directives from college officials or law enforcement personnel issued in the performance of their duties.

For greater detail, please consult 5.2.1 Policy on Student Conduct in the Board Policy Manual.

Drugs and Alcohol

The Board of Regents endorses the statement of the network of colleges and universities committed to the elimination of drug and alcohol abuse, which is based on the following premise:

American society is harmed in many ways by the abuse of alcohol and other drugs-decreased productivity, serious health problems, breakdown of the family structure, and strained social resources. Problems of illicit use and abuse of substances have a pervasive effect upon many segments of society-all socio-economic groups, all age levels, and even the unborn. Education and learning are especially impaired by alcohol abuse and illicit drug use.

The Board recognizes that education regarding alcohol and substance abuse is an appropriate and even necessary part of the contemporary college life. Since the unauthorized use of controlled substances, in addition to the potential harmful effect it may have on students and employees, is contrary to state and federal law and regulation, it must be prohibited in any college activity, on or off the college campus. Although the conditions of alcohol and drug dependency may be considered disabilities or handicaps under state and federal law and regulation and Board of Regents’ policy, employees and students will not be discriminated against because they have these disabilities. All students and employees are considered to be responsible for their actions and their conduct.

  1. These provisions shall apply to all colleges under the jurisdiction of the Board:
  2. No student or employee shall knowingly possess, use, distribute, transmit, sell, or be under the influence of any controlled substance on the college campus or off the college campus at a college-sponsored activity, function, or event. Use or possession of a drug authorized by a medical prescription from a registered physician shall not be a violation of this provision.
  3. All colleges shall develop and enforce policies regarding the sale, distribution, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus, subject to state and federal law. Consistent with previous Board policy, the consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus may only be authorized by the President subject to the following conditions, as appropriate:
    1. when a temporary permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages has been obtained and Dram shop act insurance has been purchased;
    2. when a college permit has been obtained;
    3. when students bring their own beverages;
    4. when alcoholic beverages are provided by a student organization and no fee is charged for attendance or for said beverages.
  4. This policy shall be published in all college catalogs, faculty and staff manuals, and other appropriate literature.
  5. All colleges shall provide educational programs on the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and referral for assistance for students and employees who seek it. Colleges are encouraged to establish campus-wide committees to assist in development of these programs in response to particular campus needs and identification of referral resources in their respective service planning regions.
  6. Failure to comply with this policy will result in invocation of the appropriate disciplinary procedure and may result in separation from the college and referral to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.


See Student Handbook for further information.

People with Disabilities

The Board of Regents and all of the colleges under its jurisdiction are committed to the goal of achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for people with disabilities in the community colleges. To that end, this statement of policy is put forth to reaffirm our commitment to ensure that no qualified person be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity on a community college campus or in the central office of the Board of Regents.

The Board recognizes that a physical or functional impairment is a disability only to the extent that it contributes to cutting the person off from some valued experience, activity, or role. Higher education is therefore especially important to people with disabilities, since it aims to increase every student’s access to valued experiences, activities and roles. Improving access for students and employees means removing existing barriers that are physical, programmatic, attitudinal; it also means taking care not to erect new barriers along the way.

The efforts of the community colleges to accommodate people with disabilities should be measured against the goals of full participation and integration. Services and programs best promote full participation and integration of people with disabilities when they complement and support, but do not duplicate, the regular services and programs of the college.

This statement is intended to reaffirm the Board’s commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity for all people and in no way to replace the equal opportunity policy statement.

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Bob Kozlowski or John Lepore in the Student Success Center

Racism and Acts of Intolerance

The community colleges have long been committed to providing educational opportunities to all who seek and can benefit from them, as evidenced in the mission statements and policies concerning student rights, affirmative action, and equal opportunity. The Board and the colleges recognize that an important part of providing opportunity is creating a welcoming environment in which all people are able to work and study together, regardless of their differentness. At the same time, colleges and universities have traditionally been at the cutting edge of protection of our most cherished freedoms, most notably freedom of speech and non-violent action, which protect even unpopular or divisive ideas and perspectives.

Such constitutionally-protected expression can contribute to an unwelcoming and even offensive social and educational environment for some individuals in the college community, particularly when it concerns race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or ethnicity, and the First Amendment does not preclude colleges from taking affirmative steps to sensitize the college community to the effects of creating such a negative environment.

Therefore, the community colleges recognize that they have an obligation not only to punish proscribed actions, but also to provide programs which promote pluralism and diversity and encourage the college community to respect and appreciate the value and dignity of every person and his or her right to an atmosphere not only free of harassment, hostility, and violence but supportive of individual academic, personal, social and professional growth.

Acts of racism or harassment directed against individuals or specific groups of individuals will not be tolerated and will be dealt with under the employee affirmative action grievance procedure and the student grievance and disciplinary procedures.

Each college will provide a comprehensive educational program designed to foster understanding of differentness and the value of cultural diversity. This will include plans to (1) promote pluralism, (2) educate the college community about appropriate and inappropriate behaviors to increase sensitivity and encourage acceptance, and (3) widely disseminate this policy statement to the entire college community.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is illegal under state and federal law and is also prohibited by the Board of Regents’ Nondiscrimination Policy. The Board’s policy recognizes that sexual harassment undermines the integrity of employer-employee and student-faculty-staff relationships and interferes with the right of all members of the College community to work and learn in an environment free from harassment. Such conduct will not be tolerated.

Sexual harassment may be described as:

Any unwelcome sexual advance or request for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting the individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment or educational environment.

Sexual harassment may be verbal, visual or physical. It may be overt or implicit and may, but need not, have tangible adverse effects on the victim’s employment or learning experience.

Examples of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment include but are not limited to:

  • sexual flirtation, touching, advances or propositions
  • verbal abuse of a sexual nature
  • pressure to engage in sexual activity
  • graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s dress or appearance
  • use of sexually degrading words to describe an individual
  • display of sexually suggestive objects, pictures or photographs
  • sexual jokes
  • stereotypic comments based upon gender
  • threats, demands or suggestions that retention of one’s employment or educational status is contingent upon toleration of or acquiescence in sexual advances.

The perpetrator of sexual harassment, like the victim of such conduct, may be a man or a woman. Sexual harassment may involve individuals of the same or opposite sex and, in the College environment, may involve an employee and a student, an employee and another employee or a student and another student. Harassment in any of these relationships is a violation of the Board’s policy.

Because of the power relationship between faculty and student, and between supervisor and subordinate employee, freedom of choice may be compromised in such relationships. Accordingly, this policy holds that where a faculty member or professional staff member has responsibility for a student through teaching, advising, supervision or other obligation, romantic or sexual liaisons between such persons shall be deemed a violation of this policy. Romantic or sexual liaisons between supervisors and subordinate employees, while not prohibited, are strongly discouraged.

It should be noted, additionally, that retaliation against a person for complaining or being associated in any way with the resolution of a complaint of sexual harassment also violates Board policy.

What to do if You Are the Victim of Sexual Harassment

When an employee or student feels that he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment, he or she should report such incident(s) to a College official.

  • Employees may report incidents of sexual harassment to Debi Freund, Manager of Diversity and Inclusion; dfreund@mcc.commnet.edu; 860-512-3107 or Joesph Cullen, Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Services; Room E229A; jcullen@qvcc.commnet.edu.
  • Students may report incidents of sexual harassment to the dean of academic affairs and student services or to such other College official as the president may have designated. Nothing shall prevent students from speaking to a college counselor about their concerns. However, such communication is not a substitute for filing a complaint of sexual harassment with an appropriate College designee.

A claim that an employee of a third party contractor has engaged in sexual harassment on College premises or in connection with the performance of the third party contract should be reported immediately either to the president or to the dean of administration. The president or dean of administration will ensure that appropriate follow-up action is taken.

Depending on the nature of the complaint and the desires of the complainant, the College official to whom the complaint has been made may attempt to resolve the complaint informally. Any informal resolution of a complaint must be approved by the College president. No person shall be forced to pursue informal avenues of resolution before filing a formal complaint of sexual harassment.

If informal resolution is not possible or appropriate, a written complaint should be filed in accordance with the existing Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure for Employees (see Board Policy 2.1.3) or Student Grievance Procedure for students (see Board Policy 5.2.2).

  • For employees, a written complaint should be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days of the alleged harassment. This time frame may be extended by up to fifteen (15) additional calendar days if efforts at informal resolution have been made.
  • For students, a written complaint should be filed within thirty (30) days of the date the grievant knew or should have known of the alleged harassment. However, a delay in filing a formal complaint will not be a reason for refusing to investigate such complaints. Although the ability to investigate may be compromised by delay, a written complaint will be treated in the manner prescribed by this policy if filed within 180 days of the date the student knew or should have known of the alleged harassment.

When a formal complaint of sexual harassment is received, the College will investigate it. The rights of all persons involved in the investigation shall be respected and every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality of both the alleged victim and the alleged harasser. Toward this end, only persons with a need to know shall be made privy to the complaint. However, complete anonymity cannot be assured, given the College’s obligation under law to investigate and take appropriate action in all cases of sexual harassment.

All complaints of sexual harassment shall be taken seriously. It is expected that complaints will be made in good faith, however. Frivolous or vexatious complaints can cause irremediable damage to the reputation of an accused person, even though he or she is subsequently vindicated. Therefore, any person who files a false complaint of sexual harassment shall himself or herself be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, if an employee, or expulsion, if a student.

In addition to invoking the available grievance procedure, an employee who believes he or she has been sexually harassed may file a complaint with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, 25 Sigourney Street, Hartford, CT 06106 and/or with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, John F. Kennedy Federal Building, 475 Government Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02203, within 180 days of the date when the harassment occurred. A student who believes he or she has been sexually harassed may, in addition to the available grievance procedure, file a complaint with the federal Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education (Region 1), 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, Massachusetts 02109-3921.

Sex Offender Registry

As a result of a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) is again publishing the names of persons who have been convicted of criminal sex offenses and who are required to register in Connecticut. Sex offender registry information is available at CDPS offices throughout the State, at local police departments and at the state police troops with regional jurisdiction. It is also available online at www.ct.gov/despp.

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act consists of three major components:

  1. Registered sex offenders are required to provide notice to the CDPS of each institution of higher education at which the offender is employed or is a student and of any change in such status.
  2. While institutions of higher education are not required to request information concerning registered sex offenders, they are required to inform the college community where criminal record information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained.
  3. If a student is a registered sex offender, information provided to an institution concerning this status is not subject to protection from disclosure under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Inclusion in the sex offender registry does not disqualify any person from being a student at an institution of higher education. Also note that it is a criminal offense to use information in the sex offender registry to injure, harass or commit a criminal act against any person included in the registry.

If you have any questions or concerns about this information, please direct them to the dean of students.


As of January 1, 2017, Quinebaug Valley Community College’s Danielson campus is tobacco- and vape-free. Smoking/vaping is prohibited on all campus property, including all indoor and outdoor space of the College and Quinebaug Middle College, and inside all vehicles.

The policy applies to any individual on campus property, including but not limited to students, employees, contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors, and members of the public.

Littering of any smoking product or any other waste product on College property is prohibited.

Smoking (burning, inhaling, or exhaling) includes:

•   Cigarettes
•   Cigars
•   Electronic cigarettes
•   Pipes
•  Any other smoking equipment, or drug paraphernalia, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material

Violation may result in monetary fines issued by QVCC’s security officers and/or disciplinary action by the appropriate administrative office.

In adopting this policy, QVCC remains committed to providing a healthy learning and working environment for its students and employees and comports with the goals outlined in the Climate Action Plan.

Students Rights

Under Board of Regents’ policies, students are guaranteed that educational offerings are available to them. Please consult the Student Handbook or the college website for the specific policies on the rights of students, the grievance procedure, and a review of academic standards.

Transfer-Acceptance of Credit at Community Colleges

At all Community Colleges, degree and certificate credit shall be granted only for credit courses completed at all institutions within the Connecticut state system of higher education and at all other collegiate institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation as a “Regional Accrediting Organization” in accordance with the following:

  1. Degree and certificate credit shall be granted for all credit courses that are applicable to the objectives of, or equivalent to the course requirements of, the curriculum in which the transferring student enrolls. Credit work that is not applicable or equivalent to curriculum requirements shall be accepted for credit at the discretion of the college. Degree and certificate credit shall also be granted on the basis of performance on examinations in accordance with standards and limits approved by the Board of Regents.
  2. Degree and certificate credit shall be granted for credit courses completed with a letter grade of “C-minus” or better, or with a grade of “P” (Pass). Such credit courses shall be accepted only for credit, and letter grades assigned by other institutions shall not be recorded or included in computations of student grade point averages.
  3. Notwithstanding the number of degree or certificate credits which shall be granted in accordance with the foregoing, the student must complete at least twenty-five percent of the minimum credit requirements for the degree or certificate through coursework at the college awarding the degree or certificate.
  4. When a student seeks transfer credit for technical or specialty courses into a program that is also accredited by a national or regional specialized accrediting agency, such credits must be from a comparably accredited program. In the case of a request for transfer credit for technical or specialty courses from a non-specialty accredited program, the college shall provide appropriate means for the validation of the student’s competency in the technical specialty course areas.
  5. This policy shall appear in all college catalogs.

(Adopted January 16, 1973; amended November 19, 1979; May 16, 2005; May 21, 2007)

Uniform Campus Crime Report

In accordance with Public Act 90-259, Quinebaug Valley Community College makes copies of the QVCC Uniform Campus Crime Report available for review. Copies are available in the Library, the Office of the Dean of Administration, the Office of the President, The Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Services, and electronically via our web site at www.qvcc.edu.

Policy on Violence Prevention and Response

For purposes of this policy, “violence” is defined as an overt act or threat of harm to a person or property, or any act that poses a substantial threat to the safety of any person or property. “Premises” is defined as any space owned or leased by the Community Colleges or any of its constituent units, including vehicles and any location where college or system business or activities are conducted. Conduct that may violate this policy includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Intimidating, harassing or threatening behaviors
  • Physical abuse, including hitting, slapping, poking, kicking, punching, grabbing, etc.
  • Verbal abuse, including yelling, shouting, use of sexually, racially, or ethnically charged epithets, etc.
  • Vandalism
  • Carrying or possessing weapons or dangerous instruments of any kind on Community College premises, unless properly authorized
  • Using such weapons
  • Any other act that a reasonable person would consider to constitute a threat of violence, including oral or written statements, gestures or expressions that communicate a direct threat or physical harm

Reporting Threats or Violent Acts

A person who feels that he or she has been subjected to threats or acts of violence as defined herein, or a person who witnesses such threats or acts, must report the incident to a supervisor or manager. Supervisors and managers who receive such reports shall report all complaints to the dean of administration or the associate human resources director, who will identify the appropriate action to take. Serious incidents or serious threats of imminent danger to the safety of persons or property should immediately be reported to proper law enforcement authorities (dial 911) and the dean of administrative services.

Any individual who has applied for or obtained a protective or restraining order which lists the premises of the Community Colleges as protected areas, must provide to the Human Resources Office a copy of the petition and declaration used to seek the order, a copy of any protective or restraining order that is granted, and a copy of any protective or restraining order that is made permanent. The sensitivity of the information requested is understood and colleges are responsible for treating such information in a manner that recognizes and respects the privacy of the reporting person.

Enforcement of this Policy

All reported incidents of violence will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately, including prompt evaluation, investigation and response. An individual who makes a substantial threat of violence or commits an act of violence as defined in this policy shall be removed from the premises. Any weapon or dangerous instrument will be confiscated and turned over to appropriate law enforcement/public safety authorities. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to such items on college premises.

Violations of this policy, including knowingly providing a false report, or failing to cooperate fully with an investigation, may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment or expulsion from the college. Violations may also result in criminal penalties.

Any questions or concerns regarding this policy should be directed to Joseph Cullen, Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Services.


The policy provided herein applies to all Quinebaug Valley Community College faculty, staff, students, visitors and contracted services. The weapons policy applies to both the Danielson campus and the Windham Technical High School classroom facility and offsite activities sponsored by Quinebaug Valley Community College.

To protect the Quinebaug Valley Community College community from the threat of violent acts, all weapons concealed or otherwise are prohibited on all owned or leased properties of QVCC with the exception of those carried by on duty law enforcement officials according to Connecticut State law.

The carrying of any weapon about the person of any individual with the exception of on duty law enforcement officials as cited in the policy portion of this procedure is prohibited. Weapons are defined as follows:

Any pistol, revolver, or other weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, or any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, razor slingshot, spring stick, metal knuckles, blackjack, or any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as nun chuhka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart.

Due to the risk of being identified as a real weapon, any item which looks like a weapon in appearance and which is utilized for any purpose on QVCC property must be reported to and approved by the College administration prior to being used in any activity. Examples of these activities include but are not limited to plays, class presentations and Student Government events.


Due to concerns about fire and rider safety, hoverboards will not be allowed to be either charged, operated, or stored on CSCU campuses. This prohibition is consistent with the CSCU Student Code of Conduct, Article 1, Part D, Section 12, which prohibits “behavior or activity which endangers the health, safety, or well-being of others.”

Weather Closings

Winter can bring inclement weather and the possibility of class cancellations. Students and teaching staff must be aware that the College does not have the same operating schedule as local school systems. Students are advised to anticipate college closing with prior arrangement for child care or transportation. The College should not be called concerning the possibility of classes being canceled. Office personnel do not make any decisions concerning class cancellations.

Announcements will be made via:

Everbridge Mass Notification System (texts and emails)

QVCC Web Site www.qvcc.edu
QVCC Weather Line (860) 932-4901
NBC Connecticut News Channel 30 (WVIT)
Eyewitness News Channel 3 (WFSB)

The College will also announce closings on these radio stations:

WTIC 1080 AM WZMX 93.7 FM
WICH 1310 AM WTIC 96.5 FM
WINY 1350 AM WCTY 97.7 FM
WILI 1400 AM I-98 98.3 FM
    WNLC 98.7 FM
    WRCH 100.5 FM
    WKNL 100.9 FM

It is to be understood that radio stations may change or modify information provided by the College.

Information Technology Policy

The Board of Regents for Higher Education provides information technology resources (IT resources) to faculty, staff, and students for academic and administrative use. IT resources may also be available to members of the college community through college libraries and websites. This policy applies to all users of IT resources.

IT resources include, but are not limited to, computers and peripheral hardware, software, networks, databases, electronic communications and Internet connectivity. IT resources are the property of the Board of Regents. Use of such resources is a privilege and is subject to such IT policies, standards and procedures as may be promulgated from time to time.

IT resources shall be used solely for legitimate and authorized academic and administrative purposes, and in furtherance of the Board of Regents’ mission and goals. They shall not be used for personal purposes, including monetary gain. Use of IT resources may be monitored by the appropriate BOR authority to ensure proper and efficient usage, as well as to identify problems or to check for security violations.

Any unauthorized or illegitimate use of IT resources may subject the user to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or expulsion, as well as loss of computing privileges. Users must comply with all applicable state and federal laws and may be subject to criminal prosecution for violation thereof under state and federal laws.

The president of the Board of Regents is authorized to promulgate necessary and appropriate IT policies, standards and procedures, including but not limited to those affecting acceptable uses of IT resources, electronic communications and network security. Colleges shall ensure that users of IT resources are aware of all IT policies, standards and procedures, as appropriate.

In accordance with the BOR IT Resources Policy, the president of the Board of Regents has promulgated IT policies, standards and procedures (e.g. Acceptable Use, Electronic Communications, Network Security, etc.). They can be found in the following location: http://www.ct.edu/it/policy

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Disclaimer

Beginning March 2020, Connecticut along with the rest of the United States suffered the effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Day-to-day life as it existed before the pandemic changed drastically, and individuals and institutions adapted to new practices and behaviors.  Normative actions now include wearing facial masks, maintaining social distance, and working and learning remotely.  Learning about and adherence to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance has become a way of life.  As we plan for the next academic year, so much is uncertain, including the continuing threat of COVID-19.

The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) must adapt to meet this reality. Going forward, it is up to all of us – faculty, staff and students – to do our part to ensure our campus community stays as healthy and safe as possible. This is a shared responsibility, and every member of our community must adhere to national, state, and local health guidelines and requirements, and adhere to those measures Quinebuag Valley Community College deems safe and appropriate for the campus. This will include social distancing, wearing masks or other facial coverings, not reporting to class or work if sick, and isolating when required.

Although Quinebuag Valley Community College is readily developing a schedule of courses that include some in-class and on-ground instruction, no one knows what the future may hold. In the case of an outbreak of the coronavirus or other illness, the institutions reserve the right to adapt the format of any class to an entirely online/distance learning modality as public health conditions warrant. Such change will not result in any increase or decrease of tuition and fees. We all understand that tuition and fees are in exchange for learning, academic credit, and certain non-academic services regardless of whether taught on-ground, in a hybrid environment or entirely remotely.

Most important to CSCU and Quinebuag Valley Community College is the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community.  Yet, despite campus efforts to comply with health and safety guidelines, it is not possible to guarantee a disease free environment, or to guarantee that campuses will not close and return to an online-only learning environment. These are the realities of working and learning during a pandemic. If you choose to return to campus during the pandemic, you accept that you are willing to do your part to keep the campus safe and acknowledge that you may be required to complete your course work in an evolving or remote learning environment.

STUDENT COVID-19 Guidelines

Vaccines are no longer mandated for students or employees beginning with the summer semester. However, individuals are encouraged to be vaccinated and to get booster shots as recommended to protect their own health.  CSCU reserves the right to revisit this should local health conditions change on the campuses.  

For the most up to date information on policies and procedures relating to COVID-19, please visit https://www.ct.edu/covid19#faqs